Czy jesteś gotowy/a, aby przekonać się do tantry?
Czy masz wystarczająco odwagi, aby otworzyć się na prawdziwą intymność?
Ten 3-godzinny warsztat został zaprojektowany tak, aby doświadczyć w sposób zwięzły, ale zarazem potężny, jak Tantra może zmienić Twoje życie. Będziemy tańczyć i celebrować podróż, jaką jest ludzkie życie. Użyjemy tantrycznych praktyk, aby ponownie połączyć się z naszym indywidualnością. Nauczymy Cię jak otworzyć się na „innych” jako drogi do spełnienia. Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich z otwartym umysłem i śmiałością ducha!
Warsztat poprowadzi dwójka nauczycieli – pochodząca z Grecji Kalpita Noumta oraz Amerykanin Atithi Schock. Oboje ukończyli szkolenie dla par Soul Mate.
Atithi – taoista, nauczyciel Tantry, nauczyciel Qigong, instruktor Jogi i współzałożyciel Qi Dance
Kalpita – nauczycielka Tantry, nauczycielka Sacred Sexuality, tancerka, choreografka, nauczycielka tańca, współzałożycielka Qi Dance, założycielka szkoły tańca Dancescape w Atenach
TERMIN: sobota 25.11. 2017 godz. 15:00 – 18:00
INWESTYCJA: 70 zł za osobę, płatność na miejscu
ZAPISY: Rezerwacja miejsca poprzez wysłanie maila na adres współorganizatora:
MIEJSCE WARSZTATU: CUD GROCHÓW – Studio Rozwoju i Edukacji, ul. Osowska 84a, Warszawa (Grochów), okolice ronda Wiatraczna
WAŻNE! Warsztat będzie prowadzony w języku angielskim, wymagana jest podstawowa znajomość j.angielskiego.
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Atithi – Sacred Taoist Sexuality teacher, Tantra teacher, Teacher of Mogadao Qigong, Yoga instructor and co- creator of Qi Dance!
In his own life and as a teacher Atithi is profoundly committed to growth through self observation (meditation), acceptance and integration. After studying qigong and yoga for many years in the U.S he began a journey through Europe, Northern Africa, India, Nepal and Thailand to deepen and refine his experience of these modalities and to seek new therapies such as massage, meditation and dance that became essential components of Spirit Dome Qigong.
During his journey two powerful experiences involving meditation and community took place which fundamentally shifted his perception and prompted him to refocus his life purpose. Sacred sexuality, primarily Taoist sexuality, and later Tantra, became a focal point in his spiritual path toward self-integration. Atithi believes, and teaches, that self-observation and a disciplined sacred physical practice is a path toward transformation, authenticity and to self- mastery.
Kalpita – Sacred Sexuality and Tantra teacher, Dancer, Choreographer, Dance teacher, co- creator of Qi Dance!, healer and founder of Dancescape, in Athens, Greece.
Movement and dance have interested Kalpita since childhood in Greece. Her journey into meditation, and personal development started in India, over 20 years ago when she took Sannyas at the Osho Commune International. Her life changed forever as this is where her desire for a Tantric relationship was born. Using various healing techniques, practicing many meditation methods, participating in retreats, and meeting with inspired, enlightened masters has enriched her life.
In the following years she founded Dancescape, a center focusing on movement, dance, body awareness, somatics, meditation and tantra awareness. Organizing and running many different workshops and classes for 25 years with the longing to increase consciousness and creating community was a large part of her personal growth process. Practicing living in love, gratitude and awareness on a daily basis and sharing her truth in community is her passion. Currently she teaches workshops, choreographs and continues her exploration into true, ecstatic human nature.
Atithi (from the U.S) and Kalpita (Greek) have been teaching Sacred Sexuality in the U.S, U.K, Poland and various countries of Europe, including many parts of Greece, where they make their home. Together and separately they have taught couples, men’s and women’s groups and private sessions. To the great benefit of their students and clients they have utilized each other as mirrors, working tirelessly to evolve their techniques as teachers, separately and as a couple. Their complimentary differences as individuals combined with their experience as teachers and as a couple on the path of Sacred Sexuality has proven to be a dynamic and sensitive force. They believe that a safe and sacred environment is the basis for personal transformation and spiritual evolution. Kalpita and Atithi have completed the Soul Mate training for couples with Ma Ananda Sarita of Osho’s Tantra lineage.
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